List of digital marketing companies in Mumbai for job vacancies
Below is the list of companies:
1. So now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and separate this man out from the background because we're going to be doing a couple of effects and we want to have him separated out from that background there. So there's a couple of ways that we can do this. The main way that we're going to do it is we're a list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai going to select him and then we're going to copy and paste him just onto his own layer. So to do that you can do all kinds of different selection methods.
2. You can use the polygon or lasso tool or the regular lasso tool if you have a tablet that might be easier for you. Some people like using the pen tool and they'll go in and make little tiny points and digital marketing company curves throughout the whole selection. But I'm just going to show you probably one of the easiest ways to do it. It's not as accurate assay using the pen tool but it's definitely a lot faster and easier. So go over to the toolbar and then go to the Quick Selection Tool.
3. The one two three fourth icon down and it's going to give us a brush. Now my brush is really tiny at this moment and we want to make it bigger so we can go to the brush settings at the top and click on this dropdown and change the size or a list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai shortcut for that is to use the bracket keys on the keyboard. So by hitting the left and right bracket keys, you can actually make your bra size bigger or smaller. So that's a great shortcut to have because we can use a big brush and start selecting this big piece of information and you can see it's finding the differences and pixels and picking up that information for us. Now we need to get a little more fine-tuned because some of this is a little smaller.
4. So we'll go ahead and select a smaller brush. And at this point, I'd probably start zooming in and seeing if I can touch this up a little bit so you can see here where parts of the finger and different parts have not been selected. So we want to go the list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai ahead and select that out and we want to make sure we grab this finger so grab too much. So if you accidentally select too much you can hold down the alter or option key out for P.C. and option for Mac and it will subtract your selection.
Then we let go and we're back to the positive. We'll add it back in. So using that order or option Key is also very important because as we go through here we're going to be subtracting and adding into our section OK it looks like a grab too much list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai again and I might have to bring down my brush a little bit just select around this area. Forget a little too much of the background. I'll take it out. And this is just gonna be a process of going in and selecting.
5. Now again you could use say the pen tool if that's easier for you if you've used it before and you know how to use it. It's definitely something you can do but I'm just gonna go round and see if I can get a fine tune of selection here just by using this tool and it might take me five or ten minutes and of course I would take my time and really try to do the best job that list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai I can but because I'm trying to teach you and show you quickly I'm just going to it's going to be a little sloppier than what I would actually normally do but I just want to show you the process so I'm not going to spend too much time getting a perfect selection at this moment.
6. We've selected our subject and we want to go ahead and copy and paste this before I do that though I want to go ahead and just smooth this whole selection out just a little bit. If we were to zoom in that's fine maybe a good place where it shows us kind of around this arm you can see that I don't know if list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai you can tell on your screen but the lines are a little jagged here so they cannot create this low jagged pattern and we're going to do some things later on where we want to have this sign a little bit smoother than what it is.
7. So we want to go ahead and just smooth out this whole selection. Now if we were to smooth this the only problem with that is it automatically shrinks the selection a little bit by the way that it smooths. So what we need to do is we need to make the selection a little bigger and then smooth that down. So let me show you what I mean. Go up to the top to select and then go down to modify and then go to expand on what this is going to do. It's going to expand our list of digital marketing companies in Mumbai selection so we can say how many pixels do we want to expand it by let's just do just to show you what it does. So there what it has done it has it's made our selection a lot
bigger it's expanded it outward from where it was.
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